If you have any resources you would like to request, or have a resource that you think might be useful for this theme email [email protected]

Traditional Owners

FVTOC Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy

The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations is the peak body representing the interests of Victorian Traditional Owners. This document is their submission focusing on potential opportunities across the Victorian economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Housing and Homelessness

Climate change, housing, and homelessness Forum

This file documents a forum held in October 2016 to bring together researchers, decision makers, community leaders and service organisations to discuss homelessness and how it intersects with climate change.

Pathways to climate adapted and healthy low income housing

This CSIRO project demonstrates the community need for climate adapted housing and suggest possible solutions and further research.


Saltgrass Podcast

If you’re looking for a more local podcast, then Saltgrass is for you! Saltgrass is a sustainability podcast talking to salt of the earth people about their grassroots activities. We interviewed the creator of the podcast and you can see the article here.

Climate Ready Podcast

This podcast features interviews and segments that focus on climate and water trends around the world. International experts are commonly present to provide their opinions and research on a variety of topics.

We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters, their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past and present whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices. We are committed to enabling self-determination for all Aboriginal people and aim to work closely with the Aboriginal community to drive action and improve outcomes especially in the context of a changing climate.